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What Do You Get From a Printing Company?

When it comes to procuring professionally produced printed matter for marketing purposes, one often thinks of a printing company taking on this task. After all, the print shop has the state-of-the-art equipment and expertise to produce high-quality prints and implement a printing strategy tailored to your needs.

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However, printing companies in Vancouver also offers a variety of services. This solution complements your printed materials by connecting with your target market in the most effective way. These solutions include:

1. Mailing list

It's a little-known fact that print shops can also create mailing lists containing the names, addresses, and contact information of the people who best describe your target market. To take advantage of this service, you just need to send your target customer profile to your printer and they will take care of the rest.

2. Graphic design

While it's rare that a company – even a small business – doesn't have a good, or at least decent, graphic designer, a printing company can help you by providing the services of its design team. If you're new to the print marketing game, a good design team can give you an idea of how something should be done and how marketing collateral should be created.

3. Submission

If you're working on a small budget or want to print as quickly as possible, print shops offer a selection of templates that you can customize and design yourself. While not as personal as the design team's work, templates are a great way to buy professional-looking print materials, even if they're not the most unique in the world. In addition, by working with templates, you can practice your design skills in the hope that one day you will complete the design process yourself.