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Browse Best Sellers in Video Conference Equipment And Solutions

Have you ever found yourself in a meeting or conference and had to step outside for a moment? Not anymore! Like any good video conferencing system, our best-selling products have added features that allow you to move around your space with ease.

There are two ways to do this. The first is through the Viewer Control Panel, which you can access on any computer (desktop or laptop) connected to your system. This allows you to move around your workspace while still participating in the meeting. Simply go to “Settings” and click on “Viewer Controls”. You can also check video conferencing solutions online.

From there, you can use mouse and keyboard commands to move around your space, or even jump from one video camera view to another! You will also have the option to pull up a virtual joystick that coordinates with your mouse movements and gives you an arcade-like experience of moving about in real-time!

The second way is by using the Physical Locator Interfaces that are commonly found on the walls in your facility. Connect the HD Viewer to these devices, and you will be able to rotate your view around the room as if you were there yourself! The third way is by using the ARGUS VR Viewer (available for Desktop PCs, Macs, and Linux users).

The ARGUS Viewer also comes with a Physical Locator Interfaces device (expandable up to 8 of them) that will allow you to cycle through multiple views simultaneously.