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Indoor Plants Which Clean Toxins

Indoor plants not only look great and add ambiance to your home, but they can also remove toxic impurities like formaldehyde, benzene, etc. from the air.

If you want to have indoor plants, then you may contact plant hire companies in Sydney via

Here are few plants that you can grow.

The first is the peace lily, also known as Spathiphyllum. These are not real lilies, so they are non-toxic to cats (real lilies) although I wouldn't recommend feeding them to cats just in case.

It is easy to grow, loves indoor light, and has cute colors all year round. You can get them in both smaller and bigger sheets (usually the ones you see at the mall). When the leaves begin to wilt, water the plant.

Rubber plant (Ficus robusta) is included in the ficus family. They are quite sturdy, prefer half sun to half shade, and are best at removing toxins according to scientists who study these things. Very nice plant.

Also in the ficus family, weeping fig (Ficus benjamina) is useful if you want a plant with "trees". They're great for those of us who want a "indoor jungle" look – they're durable enough to live in full or partial sun and can tolerate being indoors for a while.

If so, try turning them around and letting them spend some time outdoors. The kind people of the kindergarten can provide you with complete information on how to care for all these beautiful plants.