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How To Choose The Best Solar Covers For Pools

The biggest loss of heat and water from your pool is due to evaporation. Even when the sun goes down, the water reflects a lot of heat, and evaporation results in significant cooling of the water and loss of water.

Solar pool covers can help capture the sun's heat and stop most evaporation, saving energy, water, and money. You can also look for the best swimming pool solar lid through various online sources.

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A solar cover is also known as a solar blanket. Solar pool covers are not protection covers and are reclined on the peak of the water in your pool.

They don't stick to the pool. The solar pool cover must be removed before using the pool. They are relatively light, and there are wheels that make it easy for just one adult to remove the cover.

The solar pool cover looks like large foil balloon sheets. They are usually transparent but are available in colors. The air inside the blanket absorbs the sun's heat and transfers it to the water.

The plastic on the cover prevents water from evaporating. Consumers of solar covers report profits of between 40% and 70% on their pool heating costs.

Many solar pool covers are marketed in conventional rectangular sizes. There are other solutions for irregularly shaped pools. There are spherical solar pads with magnetic ends that can be cast into the pool and serve as a solar cover.

Although these panels are not as efficient as standard solar covers, they can still save a lot of energy.