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Sports Photography Tips For Beginners In Orange County

Life as we know it would not be the same in America without exercise. Sporting events are now as important a part of American culture as apple pie. The photos are as iconic as the sporting event itself.

These images will stay with us long after the event is over. The pictures capture exactly the glimpse of motion that we will remember forever. If you've ever played sports growing up or had kids. Team photos or individual photos are lasting memories of the past. They are just as important as the exciting moments in the sport you've never been involved in.

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Your gear is definitely a big part of what you need to get into sports photography. Most sports photographers use 35mm cameras. You will find that different sports require different lenses. So you have to start covering sports or you have a pretty hefty start-up cost. You'll also need a backup camera in case your regular camera gets damaged while recording.

The further away your subject is, the longer you will need the camera. A basketball player will be quite close to you while shooting. So a 75mm lens will probably work best. If they move to another basket, they will be further away. For every 100 feet, they get from you, you need about 100 mm more to get a good shot. The maximum aperture of your lens is the next critical area that you should pay attention to as well. Their faster lenses have faster shutter speeds.