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How do you treat peroneal tendonitis in runners?

In athletes should there be discomfort on the outside of the ankle joint and there's no history of trauma, then the more than likely issue is what is referred to as peroneal tendonitis. The peroneal muscles are on the lateral side of the leg and the tendons move around the outside of the ankle joint to then move to the outside and the bottom of the feet. The main function of these muscles will be to control and support the arch.

If a tendonitis occurs in the tendons of those peroneal muscles in runners, then the reason is most probably overuse. This is carrying out too much too soon and the tendons aren't provided the opportunity to adjust to the increasing loads that are put on them coming from that too quick increase in the kilometers and speeds being run. It is essential that following harder longer runs that the body will be given ample rest ahead of the next stress is applied. If a stress is put on too quickly ahead of the tendons to have had time to recuperate, then there is an elevated possibility for an overuse injury.

The pain sensation of peroneal tendonitis generally only starts of as a modest ache, either just below or above the ankle bone on the outside of the ankle. To begin with there is no puffiness, however that will often develop later as the pain increases when the issue is not taken care of.

To cope with peroneal tendonitis, the athlete needs to scale back the running to bearable amounts to enable the peroneal tendons to recover. Podiatry practitioners frequently use a lateral wedge for treatment of peroneal tendonitis in the short term as this decreases the activity of the peroneal muscles, so there can be reduced force on the peroneal tendons. This is placed under the heel in the athletic shoes. Right after the symptoms in the peroneal tendon begins to calm down, then a gradual and slow increase is necessary in the distances run to permit the tendon to adjust to these loads are needed. A strengthening plan is usually very helpful.

Should runners be worried about overpronation?

The way in which the foot functions or works could have a substantial impact on the rest of the body. The feet are generally considered as the foundation of the body and just like the tall building comparison, if that foundation is not correct, then something can go wrong above. There are numerous types of alignment conditions that can affect that foundation and how the foot interacts with the ground. That connection will have different affects further up the body.

Among the problems that may go wrong is something that is commonly given the name “overpronation”. This term can often be used and misused, so should probably not be used. The term relates to the feet moving inwards at the rearfoot and the mid-foot (arch) of the foot collapsing. This is actually quite a normal motion and is only a concern if there to too much of it. Why the phrase is such a problem is that there is no agreement about what is too much and what is actually normal. This can lead to lots of indecision in research as well as in clinical practice, especially when decisions have to be made if the overpronation needs to be addressed or not.

The outcomes that this problem may have on the body are believed to vary from hallux valgus and heel spurs in the foot to leg and knee joint conditions in runners. There are many methods to treat it, again with a lot of disagreement between medical experts regarding the best way to manage it. Rationally dealing with the overpronation ought to be directed at the cause and there isn't any such thing as a one size fits all. When the condition is caused by tight calf muscles, then stretching of those muscles would be the logical therapy. If the problem is the control of muscles at the hip, then the therapy should be directed at that. If the problem is caused by weak foot muscles, then that's the best place to start the rehabilitation with exercises. When the problem is due to a bony alignment issue in the foot, then foot orthotics are often used.