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Heating System And Furnace Upgrades For The Approaching Winter In Whitby

With winter right around the corner, many of us will be firing up our heating systems in preparation for low temperatures and blustery conditions. However, as the year's progress, heating systems become increasingly inefficient, driving up utility costs as a consequence. 

To combat such ineffectiveness, consider either a furnace or heating system upgrade. The benefits of upgrading your heating are tangible and include lower heating costs, consistent interior temperatures, and increased comfort. You can get more information regarding furnace service in Whitby at

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Additionally, in upgrading, you increase your home's value and significantly cut your property's carbon footprint with the array of highly efficient, modern heating technology now available.

There are some obvious signs that a furnace or heating system is in need of an upgrade. The first, predictably, is age. The lifespan of most furnaces is around 16 to 20 years. As your furnace approaches this age, you're more likely to be susceptible to a sudden malfunction that would leave you, literally, in the cold. 

Another clear sign is if you have seen sudden spikes in your heating bill or if your heating system has required persistent repair in the past two years. As furnaces approach the end of their lifespan, they become increasingly inefficient and require more electricity to produce the expected output. Naturally, more energy needed means higher utility bills and, rather than have a slate of repairs performed, a new system altogether may be more cost-effective.