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Overview of Cyber Security

If the entire world of the internet has caused immense benefits for relieving business, commerce and myriad other activities, additionally, it spawns concerns about cybersecurity as well. In fact, the internet environment is beset with a range of viruses, trojans, and ransom-ware that are allowed loose on exposed websites. If you want to get more information you can search on

And even if you come up with powerful cybersecurity measures such as installing firewalls, anti virus software, and encryption among others, the hackers or cyber offenders discover newer ways of entering a system or apparatus by using phishing, malware, viruses, trojans etc.. The staggering statistics concerning cybercrime calls for a figure of 1.5 trillion as proceeds of crime in 2018.

cyber security

Cyber-security: Everyone's responsibility : 

Cyber crime has become one of the largest threats to entities, governments, as well as individuals. It has destroyed individuals and corporations by defrauding them of confidential data, currency, ip address or trade secrets. 

These include the Internet of Things (IoT,) Artificial-intelligence, Cloud-computing, Big Data and Predictive Analysis among others. The modus operandi of cyber criminals in harnessing a system or network to steal information and data has supposed cyber-security have not stayed the domain of their IT department or a separate cyber security team independently. 

In fact, it has become the responsibility of every stakeholder that uses or has access to a computer network or system.