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Cloud Computing – What Happens When Your Favorite Service Is Purchased?

Cloud computing is the idea of using web applications to use and store data. It's based on the idea that you can access your data and applications from any browser, with all your files always there whenever you need them. 

There are many conveniences, but what if your service was purchased by another company? You can now get to know about the best cloud migration strategy from professionals. 

Cloud storage: What is it and how does it work? How It Works

Image Source: Google

Although this is a relatively new idea, cloud computing services have been bought out by larger companies. Three things happen while shopping. You need to be clear about what can happen to the services you are currently using.

The first is that services are bought and then discontinued. This occurs when the company owns a competing product and buys its competitors. Basically, everything you own will be blocked and deleted.

The second is that the company buys a service to include it as part of its current service. Companies like Google have done this, as have social sites like Facebook. Something is very popular on the internet, so these big companies buy it and make it available to their users.

The third is a type of temporary payment. This means that your data will be available for several weeks and then migrated to a new service if desired.