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Bowling Or The Power Of Visualizing A Perfect Score

Last week we took a bowling event as part of our attempts to change the dynamics of the organization in our company.

Well, to say, that many people have never played or have little experience in bowling – and I would say that I belong to the latter group – while others can be called an expert in this game. To know about bowling you can visit

We try to make combinations of the same power make it more game for everyone so we set up three categories: complete beginner, medium, and people who know how to do. I find as a fit for the second collection.

Well, the first round of this match showed up and it was time for me to bowl, and as I fear that the ball hit the side constraints and my first attempt so it does not count.

I sighed and informed me "told you so, you're a failure, period!" With this idea rushed through my brain, I was blown away over and so I can only explainmyself, I would too have rolled first right past every trick so I got a huge fat zero 'to show for after my first step. I decided to shrug and assure myself that I will do better the next round, but I thought to myself, o kids o boy, you can not still eff bowl.

The next time I scored a combined five points – not great but better than a big fat zero on my initial attempt. I soon began to recognize my fellow teammates and saw another group questioned if I would be the most dangerous in the audience that night.