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Home » Business And Management » Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training Laws in California

Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training Laws in California

Although all countries have laws that prohibit sexual harassment on work, California, Connecticut, and Maine takes steps from reactive to proactive by mandating sexual harassment training for supervisors to prevent sexual harassment before it starts. While the training measures of the three states are similar, there are also significant differences in specifics.

California Mandatory Sexual Harassment Act (AB 1825) provides detailed requirements for harassment training – requirements that are far more stringent than Connecticut and Maine. “AB 1825 calls us to a new accountability level that will undoubtedly influence the laws of sexual harassment throughout the country,” You can get more details on mandatory sexual harassment training in California on

“This puts education in the front burner and acknowledges it as the company’s best defense on sexual harassment claims. “While each state law determines which companies must provide harassment training, Maine requires training in companies only with 15 employees or more. Both California and Connecticut determine that the company that employs 50 or more employees need to do training.

In this case, Maine law is tighter than the other two states. Maine is also more stringent is designating which employees must complete the training. Both California and Connecticut require training for employees with supervisory authority only, while Maine’s law requires sexual harassment training for all employees, regardless of their positions.