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Know About Oral Surgeon/Wisdom Teeth Connection

The oral surgeon wisdom tooth connection cannot be avoided, especially if you have been experiencing pain for the last set of molars. Most probably, this molar had erupted but did not have enough room to fully come out.

There are also cases where the food has been stuck in the gums where the half-erupted wisdom teeth are present. In situations like this, will experience swelling accompanied by severe pain. If the pain caused by this has been constant, the alternative would have wisdom teeth removed by an oral surgeon. You can search for oral surgery specialists from

  • Dental Surgery

An oral surgeon is a dental specialist who has completed four years of dentistry and an additional four years of practice as a surgical hospital population. The oral surgeon also called a maxillary surgeon. Oral surgeon to focus on the diagnosis and treatment of oral surgery, teeth, gums, jaw, and neck ailments.

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  • Your Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last pair of teeth (third molars) which will develop in a person. Molars usually grow in the years too late adolescence. The term 'wisdom teeth' has been created because of the age of these molars grow, the end of his teenage years, to coincide with a trip someone into being an adult.

  • Removing wisdom teeth through Oral Surgery

A dentist is a person who did the surgical removal of wisdom teeth. The operation can only be performed by the dentist. In oral surgery, the bone around the wisdom tooth will have to be removed in cases where the tooth has been impacted.

The incision should be made to expose the area around the wisdom tooth. In addition, some of the bones will also be removed at this time. Sometimes, wisdom teeth were taken out in pieces, to cause less interference to the bone.