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How to Make The Right Career Choices

Looking at careers and the workplace today, we are told to graduate in a field and embrace it as a long and successful career, leaving absolutely no room for a change of heart. Conversely, some of us are told to do what you love, what you do, and experiment. People often say that Millennials have no loyalty and they hop from job to job trying to find something that can combine financial reward with fulfillment. 

I would love to believe that there are no bad career choices. I would love to be able to tell you that you either succeed or you learn and that failure is a great opportunity. In truth, I feel like the growing culture of failure is letting us off the hook too easily. You can click over here if you want better assistance in your career.

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We all know there is no such thing as a magic pill to success in anything worth having and every schoolchild knows that hard work, dedication, and continuous learning are essential for achievement. However, over time, over a period of 20 or 30 years so many things will happen to, for, and because of our actions that keeping sight of the long term is challenging. 

Understanding where you are, what you can do, and what areas you need to grow right now without any promise of gratification in the short term is incredibly difficult. Tony Robbins says "people often overestimate what they can do in 2 or 3 years, but massively underestimate what they can do in 20".

Now there is absolutely no judgment from me in terms of how you choose to approach your career, as I truly believe there are merits in every possible path you may take. If you choose to work 4 – 5 different jobs in the next 3 years then you will gain an incredible amount of knowledge and perspective.