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Home » Health and Fitness » Aromatherapy Oils – Himalayan Cedarwood Essential Oil

Aromatherapy Oils – Himalayan Cedarwood Essential Oil

Cedar essential oil belongs to the genus Cedrus, specifically Cedrus atlantica. Commonly referred to as Atlas Cedar. However, there are various other species of cedar and juniper that are used to make cedarwood essential oil, but the preferred choice is Atlas cedarwood.

The tree Cedrus atlantica belongs to the Abietaceae family. The tree is native to Algeria.

Like many essential oils, their use dates back to ancient Egyptian times. Himalayan Cedarwood essential oil is known to have been used by the ancient Egyptians as an embalming oil as well as for cosmetic purposes.

Cedar as a tree is known to be independent. Used in many external applications without maintenance. The natural oil contained in cedarwood is an oil extraction that ensures the natural preservation of cedarwood.

Extraction process

Cedar oil is obtained by steam distillation. Different grades of sawdust and shavings. Steam extraction works by pumping steam into a chamber containing sawdust and cedar sawdust. The steam jets off the oil cells and mixes with the steam. The steam is then cooled and the water and oil separated.

Used as essential oil

-Cedarwood essential oil is an excellent insect repellent. A few drops in a drawer or cupboard will help repel moths and crawling insects. Cedar shot has been used as an alternative to naphthalene for many years.

-It is known that cedarwood essential oil, massaged into the joints, provides relief from arthritis and rheumatism.

-Cedar oil can be used as a preservative. The ancient Egyptians discovered this when they used it as an embalming oil. It can be used to preserve animal skins, although it is an expensive option.