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Home » Business And Management » A Landlord’s Gas Boiler Maintenance Responsibilities

A Landlord’s Gas Boiler Maintenance Responsibilities

Being a landlord brings a lot of responsibility to take care of the tenants in the property. If you are the owner, you will understand what that responsibility entails, including when it comes to energy. 

To help protect your tenants, it is important to understand the maintenance of the gas boiler in your house. Not only for the sake of your tenants but also for your legal duties. You can visit to get details about boilers.

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This duty applies to you, whether you own the lease or license accommodation, under the following: a bedroom-sitting, housing associations, hostels, private landlords, households, flats, each holiday accommodation and so on. 

First, with regard to maintenance, any gas appliances should be kept in a safe condition. To obtain this guarantee, the equipment must undergo maintenance service gas boiler, which is in line with the instructions of the manufacturer. 

In cases where the user is not available, the annual service is usually required. However, if a registered engineer suggested otherwise, it will not be necessary. Every technical equipment which is not the responsibility of the owner, although the pipework, and it should be maintained.

Secondly, the examination for the safety of gas is another task that needs to meet. Since April 2018, landlords can arrange for checks to be carried out at any point in the 12 calendar months while retaining the existing expiry date of the check.

Again, the tenant is only responsible for getting their equipment checked by a service of gas, or a chimney connected to the equipment.

Lastly, it is important for all landlords to keep records of annual gas boiler maintenance checks. The reason for this is so that you can provide your tenants with the current, either during the 28 days of the completion time, or a new brand of tenants who had just signed.