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Home » Business And Management » How to Make Better Roof Curb Choices

How to Make Better Roof Curb Choices

Everyone has horror stories about the wrong curb installation. I have seen many direct results. While very few would intentionally purchase and install the wrong product, curbs are often provided by those that don’t fully understand the implications of their choice until it is too late.

The most common problem that I see is a curb that is not designed for pre-engineered roof systems. If you have faced the same problem then you can choose from a variety of pre manufactured roof curbs on The following items will help you make a better choice of roof sidewalks.

Building Manufacturer

Check to see if your building manufacturer has a recommended curb design. Some are very specific and may even require a certain type of curb to satisfy their warranty requirements. If it is available, it is a good idea to take advantage of their engineering expertise. In doing so, you may avoid pitfalls they have already discovered from builder feedback, by design or due to trial and error.

Building Erector

If your erector has had success with a particular type of curb (and if your building manufacturer does not recommend a specific design), consider his preference. Asking him to install a curb design that he dislikes or is unfamiliar with can lead to a problematic installation.